Study Shows Cybersecurity is Not a Priority for Small Businesses

Blog Date: 6/21/2016
Author: Ray Coulombe

More and more small businesses are failing to put cybersecurity as a business priority, according to a recent article published by Infosecurity Magazine.

A study by Barclaycard shows that in more than 250 small companies polled, only 20 percent viewed cybersecurity as a top business priority. But almost half admitted to falling victim to a cyber attack within the past year, and 54 percent admitted to being fearful of a cyber hack. So why isn’t cyber security a bigger priority?

This really boils down to a lack of knowledge in exactly how the small business can have strong cyber security protection.

This lack of knowledge is a major problem because, in many ways, SMB’s are at a much higher risk for cyber vulnerability than larger companies. Small businesses just don’t have the resources, knowledge, or good security advisors on hand like a larger company has.

Many of the compromises could include theft of company or customer data and potential co-opting of servers as unknowing participants in botnets.

But there are ways to protect yourself and your small business and not fall victim to a cyber security hack:
• Practice strong password management
• Be sure to purchase anti-malware products
• Train your employees to practice cybersecurity, especially regarding email and web exploits
• Always disable Flash on browsers
• Find a cyber-knowledgeable resource to check your work regularly

To read the full article from Infosecurity Magazine (published June 14, 2016) please click here.


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